Comments to Others
I still try to adhere to the teachings of the LDS Church. I have a hard time, and I don’t judge anyone for their actions. If my gay contacts ask my opinion about various issues, my comments will be based on my values and beliefs. However, just because my comments may be in accordance with my values and beliefs, that doesn’t mean my comments don’t come from the heart. My comments of caution and such that I make to some friends aren’t some religious talking points. Rather, then are honest, sincere opinions from my heart.
I appreciate all of you who make comments to me publicly and privately. You’re support is great!
Heya LDS Gay RM
I too am gay and served a full mission in the Spain,Madrid mission. I know the road you are travelling and I also know the pain of being alone as a Gay RM trying to live a life in the church. I am proud of your commitment to the gospel and also of your reaching out to others like us tohelp you understand and perhaps deal with your struggle.
I took a different path than you and had myself excommunicated from the church much to the chagrin of the church leaders. Bottom line, either I am straight and following the church doctrine 100%, or I am Gay and living my life unrestrained and able to freely share my love with another man. Oddly enough I have never felt that I have turned my back on Heavenly Father, but I have shown him that I have the strength to be who he has created me to be. A Gay man with a love for life and all that it has to offer.
It's a tough decision to be sure. I cried bitterly the first time I had sex with another man. Thank goodness he understood what I was going through and simply held me and let the feelings flow. I will always remember his kindness at letting my healing begin naturally.
I wish you well my friend. Follow your heart and you will never regret your decisions.
God Bless.
John in Phoenix
Thank you for your comments. It's nice to know that there are others with a mindset similar to my own.
Hey.. I like that actitude... I love the church and it's awesome that ur "feeling come from ur heart"
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