Joy...and a Summary of Many Discussions
I write this entry to summarize some of the underlying points of discussion between LDS gay guys who differ in their decisions regarding sex.
One thing that has been on my mind lately is the situation of gay LDS returned missionaries who choose to live a gay lifestyle. Personally, I have not chosen that route at this time. However, I think I better understand both my contacts who have chosen the gay lifestyle and those who live the Church’s teachings.
I have always believed gay guys who “act” on their feelings when they say it feels natural. They often claim a new sense of joy, peace, and happiness. I have never questioned their emotions, feelings, or new sense of joy.
I believe Mormons sometimes feel that they have a monopoly on joy in this world. Such an attitude is not only false, but it can be dangerous. But here is where the Mormon viewpiont comes in. The scriptures distinguish between various types of joy. Joy from “the works of men” and “the works of the devil” is fleeting. That joy will last for “a season,” and that season may last anywhere from an hour to maybe decades. Some people believes there are different sources of joy while other people do not. That is the main difference of discussion between various gay LDS guys who either live or do not live a gay lifestyle.
The discussion comes down to this: faith and beliefs. Does a person believe God cares about sex? Do they believe there are different sources of joy? Do they have faith in Christ and an eternal reward? Do they believe in scriptures? These are all personal questions people must ask and find out themselves. Personally, I have faith in all these matters. I believe there are different underlying sources of joy.
This concept of joy and its various sources does not just apply to gay people. Some people try to find joy through alcohol or drugs. Some heterosexuals seek for joy by having sex outside of marriage. Others seek for joy through material possessions. The possibilities are endless, but they are common to all people. Everyone in this world seeks joy and other good feelings, but the source of the joy will ultimately determine whether the joy is lasting through the eternities or if the joy is fleeting and eventually empty.
Let me conclude by saying I do not judge people based on their actions. This post was simply to provoke thought and summarize conversations...not to pass judgment. I can’t fully comprehend what a person is going through, so I do not judge. My statements above are meant to be general principles and thoughts I have encountered through my studying. I do not condemn others who make different decisions than me, but rather, may we all find joy in this life and eternal rewards hereafter.
I agree that there are different sources of joy - some valid (lasting) and some not.
As a born and raised member of the LDS faith and returned missionary who only recently discovered my feelings for men, I had a distinct viepoint of what would make me happy in this life as well as give me prospects for a celestial life in the next. Joy is huge to me. It is so important that we live this life to the fullest - so that the next one will be full as well.
I cannot, however, equate the joy that comes from a committed, loving relationship to that of promiscuous sex, drugs, alcohol, extramerital relations or material posessions. I do equate it to the joy that heteros derive from being married. From an LDS standpoint, marriage is a crowning achievement in this life which is supposed to expand your life and fill you with joy.
In my RM vision of my future, I had a wife and kids, a successful career, and the joy that springs eternal because the way I was living my life was in accordance with truth. In my gay vision of my future, the only part that has changed is the word wife to the word husband. I desire nothing unnatural or unhealthy - only the partner that will fill my heart and life with joy. Someone that I can be dedicated to forever.
There's not somthing magical about a man plus a woman that engenders true joy. I have been forced to look deeper than what happens in the bedroom and look to what happens in the relationship that I desire.
I believe that the realest joy in this life comes from the love and the commitment for someone you adore and are attracted to. And from working together toward a common (even altruistic) goal. The same could be said about a relationship with deity - minus the attraction part. ;)
Foxx, you are just plain prolific. I'm amazed. I've been posting a fair amount in my blog "honeymoon", but by next week I'll be all plumb tuckered and you'll probably hear from me again at Christmas.
Anyway, LDS Gay RM, I just posted something along these same lines today (but then I got bored with myself and never finished it). My point though was that happiness and joy are pretty sketchy. The distinctions I hear people draw between pleasure, happiness, and joy all seem pretty artificial. I think the "joy" as in "men are that they might have joy" refers to something we don't quite understand all the way. So our motivations need to be in following what is right, not what will make us happy even if that happiness is the good and acceptable kind.
So our motivations need to be in following what is right, not what will make us happy even if that happiness is the good and acceptable kind.
I don't understand this. If the happiness is good and acceptable, how could it not be right?
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