Monday, May 28, 2007


I have received several emails and comments on my blog, so I think it’s time for me to respond. Life has been quite busy for me (just as it is for everyone else), so my blog has taken a backseat in my life recently.

I have learned a lot recently. I am very grateful for my knowledge of God and His love for me. I am glad I have knowledge of what will make me the happiest in this life.

This trial of being gay can be a tremendous burden at times. But I have felt the Lord guide me through the storms of life especially the ones related to my orientation.

I appreciate the “success stories” out there—LDS men with SSA who adhere to their faith and covenants. I know the challenges are tough, and I know there can be many bumps in the road and setbacks. But your dedication and faith is an inspiration to me.

Despite my challenges, I am optimistic about the future. I have no idea what life has in store for me, but things will work out for me.


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